Vietnam War Memorial Committee Donates Extra Funds to Honor Flight of Southern NM
Members of the Honor Flight of Southern New Mexico Board of Directors attended the 7th Annual Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day at Veterans Memorial Park in Las Cruces. The Vietnam War Memorial is now complete and the funds remaining in the building fund were donated to Honor Flight of Southern New Mexico.
Vietnam War Memorial Committee members presented a ceremonial check for $1063.96 to members of the HFSNM board at the Welcome Home event March 25th at Veteran’s Memorial Park. These funds will be used by HFSNM to honor veterans by taking them to Washington, D.C. to visit their memorials. The organization will be celebrating ten years of fulfilling their mission to veterans with this year’s trip later this fall.
Pictured left to right: Valerie Cano (Vietnam War Memorial Committee member and HFSNM Board Member), Kirby Prickett, Arnold Diaz, and Kathy Olson (HFSNM board members). Bruce Fonnest, (Vietnam War Veteran and Vietnam War Memorial Committee member), LTC Elsa Baker (Vietnam War Memorial Committee member), LTC Jim Harbison, US Army, Ret., Vietnam Veteran.
(photo courtesy of Fred Huff)